Teacher Name: Mrs Rees-Jones


Instrument(s) taught: recorder, flute, clarinet, saxophone, keyboard


Hobbies: Live Music- playing it, watching it, dancing to it.

Reading- around 45 books a year.

Walking in the countryside- about 40 miles per week.

Yoga- daily morning practise.

Gardening, cooking, making home-made wine, mud- larking.


Favourite thing: to be out under the stars in the countryside on a clear night


Least favourite thing: traffic jams


Most interesting place you have performed:  on the roof of a Norman Church singing on Ascension Day.


Best performance you’ve ever watched: Wayne Marshall performing Saint-Saens Organ Symphony.



Which countries have you visited, and did you play your instrument: Ireland- yes, Belgium, Luxembourg, Holland- yes, Germany- yes, France, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Greece- yes, Jamaica, Thailand, Morrocco- yes.


What is your…

Favourite book/film:

Book- Kate Mosse- Labyrinth Trilogy

 Film- Time Bandits


Favourite animal: Deer


Favourite place: my secret beach along the River Severn


What instrument would you play, if you had to choose another one apart from your first instrument: Guitar


Any other interesting facts about yourself?

I speak fluent Dutch.