Teacher Name: Miss Toor


Instrument(s) taught: Violin


Hobbies: Drawing, crafting, rollerblading, theme parks and musicals.


Favourite thing: Discovering something new


Least favourite thing: Watching football


Most interesting place you have performed:  In a canoe in Canada, in the Blue John Cavern, London ComicCon, the cellars at West Midlands safari park!


Best performance you’ve ever watched: Too many to pick an absolute favourite. Some of them include Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone in Concert with live orchestra, Lizzo, Snoop Dogg, Mrs Doubtfire!



Which countries have you visited, and did you play your instrument: I’ve been to Cuba, Florida, Greece and Spain. I’ve played my violin in Germany, France and Canada.


What is your…

Favourite book/film: My favourite book is the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. My favourite film would be Jurassic park, that raptor scene in the kitchen still has me at the edge of my seat!


Favourite animal: I’m obsessed with cats. I have two – Alfred Hitchcat and Austin Meowers. I also love tigers and pandas! I’ve got time for all animals!


What instrument would you play, if you had to choose another one apart from your first instrument: Probably drums. I’m quite a loud person so maybe they would match my personality!


Any other interesting facts about yourself?

I used to do gymnastics. I’ve had a few poems published in a book when I was in school. I also dabble in piano and singing and enjoy days out in nature. I’m the principle violinist in The Peoples Orchestra! – check us out on YouTube!