featuring Big Top Music, Westminster School, Orchard School and SIPS Music & Arts String ensemble.
Wednesday evening saw Big Top Music, Westminster School and Orchard School perform a live concert, supported by SIPS Music. Guest were welcomed in by a violin quartet, SIPS Training Strings, and the Main performance involved an hour of live music including a wide range of instruments and vocals.
The Big Top Westminster Band performed a piece with vocal and instruments.
Orchard School Choir performed a number of pieces with Makaton sign language and funky dance moves.
The Big Top Band played Big Top Rock which involved a wide range of instruments from classic (violins) to ultra-modern tech-based instruments.
Orchard School Band performed a number of pieces using tuned percussion,
Westminster Warriors closed the show with well-polished Rock and blues music from a full band including a team of very talented vocalists.
Massive thanks to all the staff and performers from Big Top Music Adventures, The Orchard School, Westminster School and SIPS Mini Maestros. Also a huge thanks for The Westminster School for hosting the event, looking after everyone. and providing the amazing performance space.