Teacher Name: Mrs Bye


Instrument(s) taught: Flute/ Clarinet/Saxophone


Hobbies: Playing my instruments, running, gym, reading, travelling


Favourite thing: Cats, minis and  flutes


Least favourite thing: Chinese food


Most interesting place you have performed:  Sydney opera house


Best performance you’ve ever watched.

Wicked on Broadway!



Which countries have you visited, and did you play your instrument: Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, America, Canada, Iceland, Sweden, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Barbados, Greece


What is your…

Favourite book/film: The Monk that sold his farrari (book)

Coming to America ( original 1988)


Favourite animal: Cat


Favourite place: I can’t decide as I have been to so many wonderful places!


What instrument would you play, if you had to choose another one apart from your first instrument: Piano


Any other interesting facts about yourself?

I lived and taught in Australia!