CIL and Curriculum
Black Composers/Musicians/Songwriters
Open this calendar to access links to resources for many of the composers and musicians from this calendar produced to celebrate music in Black History Month. There are resources for listening, playing, creating and singing.
Our Music World- Assembly Pack: Autumn
This resource was created to share with schools for leading quality listening and responding and songs for singing- all linked with a theme or context.
The Autumn series is linked around music inspired by music of the slaves in American history: Juba, Hambone, Spirituals and Gospel are all covered through listening, watching videos and joining in with singing and movement.
Listen UP
This resource was created as curriculum support for schools. It is aimed at KS2; activities include learning ostinatos to perfrom with the Willaim Tell Overture Finale, learning patterns to play along with Florence Price Symphony No 1- 3rd Mvmt and relevant singing opporuities.
London’ Burning
This is a unit of work designed for Year 2- but can be adapted to use with lower KS2. It includes singing and making music as a class enemble using tuned and untuned percussion.
APPLE TREE- A Unit of Music Making for EYFS and Year 1
This resource was created to support music making in classrooms led by non-specialists, but has useful resources for using the singing game, Apple Tree, as a base for exploring pitch and rhythm (skills of musicianship).
Spirituals and Gospel Music
This resource was created as curriculum support for schools. It is aimed at KS2; activities include learning about the influence of african slaves on music, including gospel music. It includes music making using tuned percussion.

SIPS Music
SIPS Education Ltd, Guardian House Cronehills Linkway, West Bromwich, B70 8GS