Name: Mrs Morrall

School: Q3 Academy Langley

Instrument(s) played: Piano, Organ, Bassoon and the Oboe

Hobbies: making my own music on the computer, playing music, baking and cooking, playing Roblox with my children and kickboxing

Favourite thing: Baking cakes (yum!)

Least favourite thing: cleaning!

Most interesting place you have performed: National Concert Hall in Dublin and Saint David Concert Hall in Cardiff

Best performance you’ve ever watched:

Robert Plant in the band “Saving Grace”

Which countries have you visited, and did you play your instrument:

I played the Bassoon in the National Youth Orchestra for Wales and travelled across Great Britain playing in various countries and concert halls. I sang in Michigan USA with my school choir when I was in secondary school


What is your…

Favourite book/film: I don’t watch a lot of films but one of my favourite Disney films at the moment has to be Luca

Favourite animal: Cat

Favourite place: Center Parcs


What instrument would you play, if you had to choose another one apart from your first instrument:

I would have loved to have learnt to play the guitar! Maybe one of you could teach me!


Any other interesting facts about yourself?

I can speak Welsh


Message to Year 7 music pupils:

We are very excited to meet you all. You will love the school especially the music department. We are really friendly, and everyone will make you feel welcome and part of the music family. We have lots of exciting music clubs for you to join

from Keyboard club, year 7 rock band, choir and even a beatboxing club! We also have a school musical for you to get involved with – next year we will be doing Oliver the musical!