Name: Mr Harris
School: Shireland CBSO Academy
Instrument(s) played: Saxophone, flute, and clarinet
Hobbies: Reading books, playing board games, playing music!
Favourite thing: Good coffee
Least favourite thing: Bad coffee
Most interesting place you have performed: an enormous cathedral near Budapest
Best performance you’ve ever watched: Punch Brothers
Which countries have you visited, and did you play your instrument: I’ve visited lots of countries, but I’ve played my instrument in the USA, Germany, and Hungary
What is your…
Favourite book/film: The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch
Favourite animal: Dogs
Favourite place: Pembrokeshire in Wales
What instrument would you play, if you had to choose another one apart from your first instrument: Bassoon
Any other interesting facts about yourself? My favourite types of Music are jazz, and anything involving lots of vocal harmonies!
Message to Year 7 music pupils
When you join Shireland CBSO Academy, expect to find music everywhere. We will make sure you get the chance to perform in orchestras and bands, the chance to learn and practice your instrument, and the chance to meet and work with many different professional musicians.