Welcome back!


Concert Orchestra will be recommencing this Summer Term.  Rehearsals will be fortnightly on Saturday mornings to help coincide with any other commitments. This will be a fantastic opportunity to learn a variety of different repertoire. 

Dates for the Diary:

Saturday 20th  April                                                  

Saturday 4th May 

Saturday 18th May

Saturday 15th June                                                 

Saturday 29th June

*Please arrive for 9:00, ready for a 9.15 start. All sessions will finish at 11.15.  4th Floor – Guardian House

We will be looking to put on 2 performances.

Oak House – 6th July

St Andrews – tbc

This term pieces will include: 

  1. Lord of the Rings
  2. Star Wars
  3. Conga (Yes, Gloria Estefan!)
  4. Jurassic Park
  5. Lord of the Dance
  6. Toccata

Music will be distributed during your first rehearsal – ability level recommended for these pieces is grade 3 and above. If you are unsure if you should attend, please speak to your instrumental teacher or contact us on music.art@sips.co.uk or 0121 296 2997.

Please sign up using the link https://sandwellmusic.org/concertorchestra or the QR code below, this will be extremely useful in allowing us to sort the correct number of parts!


We look forward to welcoming you!