The Oak House Summer Festival – Saturday 6th July 2024

We are looking forward to hosting the annual Summer Festival at the Oak House for all SIPS ensembles/bands/groups to perform on Saturday 6th July 2024!

The event is taking place at The Oak House in West Bromwich where performances will take place outside on the terrace.  The Friends of SIPS Music Centre will be in attendance supporting the event as well a selection of other catering groups and activities onsite.  Please note all stalls will be cash payment.

Overlooking the performance terrace there are grassed areas where we encourage you to bringing a picnic rug, outdoor chairs and similar to make yourselves comfortable for a day of music.

Ensembles, groups, orchestras and bands will be performing throughout the day from approximately 10:30 to 17:30.  The day schedule can be found below and included in the confirmation email received after you have signed up along with other details for the day.

Performers are asked to wear their SIPS purple polo shirts (provided by the friends of music centre group).  If your child is new to music centre group please let your group director know a polo is required asap so that we can get one to you.

We encourage yourselves, family and friends to come along for as much as you like however we ask that performers are on site at least 20 minutes before their performance start time.

Entrance is free and to help us prepare for the day we ask that you register your child/performer and supporters attending using the sign up form below.

Looking forward to a great day of music on Saturday 6th July.


Sign up using the form below for the Summer Festival